What Gap?

A Communication Tool Box
What Gap?


Quality contact and mutual understanding can be as vital to our survival as food or sleep. And this is why we respond so positively to anyone who has the skills to close the UNDERSTANDING GAP, creating an interpersonal ‘click’.

This book is a communication tool box for people who wish to take the lead and make a difference. It identifies the essential building blocks and takes you along the path of successfully implementing them.

A deciding factor in choosing to work with a person or organisation will be when we can create trust. Without the ‘click’ trust evaporates… In today’s globalised economies it is common to collaborate within a mix of national differences; to be effective each one of us will need to increase communication sensitivity and flexibility to reduce or close the cultural divide.

‘This book addresses – amongst others – the issue of ‘Perspectivity’. This is important for all of us individually as well as for our society: making a distinction between your viewpoint and your point of view.’ - Feike Sijbesma CEO, Royal DSM

‘About time we got a book out of this talented communications specialist. I still regularly use the gems I learnt from Jessie – they have become part of who I am!’ - Caroline Stockmann CFO, Save the Children International

‘The unique learning from this book as well as the EPT trainings can be a gift for life, if the reader and user opens up for it!’ - Ton Geurts CPO, AkzoNobel ‘Jessie’s refreshing, yet pragmatic perspective on life is both original and enlightening!’ Jackie Cuthbert Chief HR Officer, Sanoma Media Group



ISBN: 9789400503014
NUR: 770
Type: Gebonden
Auteur(s): Jessie Gordon
Prijs: 30,99
Aantal pagina's: 392
Uitgever: Lev.
Verschijningsdatum: 05-03-2013
What Gap?

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