Work-Laugh Balance

Why and how humor will make you and your team more successful
Work-Laugh Balance
Work-Laugh Balance

A comprehensive guide by the co-founder of Boom Chicago to boosting team productivity, employee engagement and workplace culture through strategic humor implementation.


We all work. And we all like to laugh. This book is about how to do both at the same time – and why doing both at the same time is so powerful and so valuable. It's about how to make your workplace a place where you and your colleagues can appreciate and enjoy humor together. It's about why humor at work is better for you, your team, your company and the quality of the work you all do together.

Humor connects people, even people who might not naturally get along. It communicates messages and makes them memorable. It allows people to see subjects – and problems – in a new light. The magic of humor is real. And you can learn how to do it.



ISBN: 9789400518704
NUR: 770
Type: Paperback
Auteur(s): Pep Rosenfeld
Vertaler: Michael Diederich
Prijs: 24,99
Aantal pagina's: 240
Uitgever: Lev.
Verschijningsdatum: 19-03-2025


ISBN: 9789044938234
NUR: 770
Type: E-book
Auteur(s): Pep Rosenfeld
Prijs: 13,99
Aantal pagina's: 240
Uitgever: Lev.
Verschijningsdatum: 19-03-2025
Work-Laugh Balance
Work-Laugh Balance

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