The Man With A Thousand Faces (Engelstalige editie)

The Man With A Thousand Faces (Engelstalige editie)
The Man With A Thousand Faces (Engelstalige editie)

A soldier with no name looking for a man that no one has ever seen.
A student with a past she can't remember.
And a husband who is a loving father... or a ruthless despot.


Following the death of his twin, Daniel Lechkov returns to his homeland for the first time in twenty years. His pregnant wife and child want to return home to the West right after the funeral, but Daniel faces pressure to succeed his brother as president. The former Soviet state of Kazichia has been ruled by the Lechkov family for three generations, and now that the throne is empty, the country is poised on a knife's edge. International powers are hungry to profit from the country's riches and rebel groups are arming at the nation's borders.
As tensions rise, Daniels wife is strengthened in her conviction that they should flee. But then, a digital threat insidiously worms its way into Kazichia's telecommunications infrastructure. An unknown rebel leader only known as the Man With a Thousand Faces, corners the government and threatens a full blown attack. All that stands between Kazichia and ruin is Daniel. Is he unmerciful enough to lead his country through the crisis? And who will he sacrifice to achieve peace?
In a world where fake news, big data and lines between fiction and reality are blurred, three people go in search of the truth and the mythical figure driving it all: THE MAN WITH A THOUSAND FACES.



ISBN: 9789400518889
NUR: 332
Type: Paperback
Auteur(s): Lex Noteboom
Prijs: 0,00
Uitgever: AW Bruna
Verschijningsdatum: 10-07-2025


ISBN: 9789044938456
NUR: 332
Type: E-book
Auteur(s): Lex Noteboom
Prijs: 0,00
Uitgever: AW Bruna
Verschijningsdatum: 10-07-2025

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